A number of you have asked when my analysis of the George Floyd case will be forthcoming. I hope to send the final draft to my friends at The American Spectator for publication early next week. So stay tuned. Until then, here’s my latest American Spectator article. Come Retribution: The Federal System Restores Rule of Law | The American Spectator Terrorism is a form of propaganda, a political weapon that can be used to instill fear, horror and indignation, to destroy and sap out the will of the people. Through fear and terror one can demand obedience and blind submission…. Terror is a...
UPDATE: I have been advised by a highly-reliable source (my ex-journalist daughter) that the young man below is not the recently deceased George Floyd. Another source, a retired high-ranking member of the FBI, previously advised that the videos show the George Floyd who has become the Martyr of the Left. While I like my old friend’s version better, I’m inclined to rely on my daughter’s information. She’s never misled me about anything save for her social activities in high school and university, for which deceptions, I shall forever be grateful. Either way, stay tuned: the police still didn’t kill George...
Lost in the clamor of the main stream media’s efforts to spread panic about the increase in COVID-19 cases was the good news about the lack of a proportional corresponding increase in so-called “COVID-19-related” deaths. There are many reasons for this including the fact that, as reported on this blog, physicians have developed highly-effective treatment protocols. Nevertheless, federal and state officials have acted to discourage and impede the outpatient use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), one of the most effective and least expensive drugs, to treat and prevent COVID-19. That governmental obstruction is the subject of my latest article which was published...
Happy 4th of July! Last evening President Trump addressed an enthusiastic crowd at Mount Rushmore. The Associated Press headlined its coverage of the speech as “Trump pushes racial division, flouts virus rules at Rushmore.” In contrast, Roger Kimball of SpectatorUSA declared that “Looking back on the 2020 election, historians will say that tonight was the night that Donald Trump won reelection. A magnificent speech.” I don’t know if Trump won reelction, but he certainly said what needed to be said in light of the left’s ongoing campaign to erase American history and cow into submission all who love this country....
Pictured above is Dan Proft, the top-rated conservative commentator and host of the Dan Proft Show on Chicago’s AM 560. A few days ago, I was privileged to be a guest on Dan’s show. He’s smart, well-informed and a good interviewer. We discussed U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan’s bizarre handling of the government’s motion to dismiss the charges against General Michael Flynn. To hear the audio of that eight minute interview click on this link. Hope you enjoy it. Share this:LinkedInTumblrRedditEmailTelegramPrintPinterestTwitterFacebookWhatsAppLike this:Like Loading...
Let me begin by saying, in all sincerity, that some of my best friends are or have been federal judges. Despite what I have to say generally about the federal judiciary in the article below, it does not apply to these good, decent and steadfast friends and others who have continued throughout their distinguished careers to be humble, faithful, brilliant and diligent servants of the law. As for the far too large self-regarding and arrogant segment of the federal bench who suffer from the occupational affliction of “black robe-itis”, I offer the following sentiments in my latest article published yesterday...
Yesterday, The American Spectator published my article drawing comparisons between the 1968 riots in Washington, D.C. following the assassination of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and today’s rioting spawned by the death of George Floyd. In 1968, my wife and I lived in Arlington, Virginia while I attended the Georgetown Law Center and she worked as a nurse at the Washington Hospital Center. The first half of the article relates our experiences in Washington during the riots. I describe how President Lyndon Johnson ordered the deployment of active duty units of the regular Army and Marine Corps to quell...
The husband and wife team of Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson co-host Chicago’s Morning Answer, one of the top rated talk radio shows in that market. I have been privileged to be a guest on their show a number of times. They are very smart and well-informed. Dan also hosts The Dan Proft Show. Yesterday I was Dan’s guest, and the topic was the recent orgy of social justice rioting and looting in Democrat-led cities across America. As a bit of inside baseball, when Dan’s producer contacted me about appearing on the show, he said that the topic was going...
In 1998, The Lancet, Britain’s oldest and best-known medical journal, published what was then considered to be a landmark study that purported to prove a link between the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and autism. That article helped establish and legitimize the anti-vaxxing movement which continues to this day. But, twelve years after publication, The Lancet “retracted” the article after conceding that “several elements” of the study were “incorrect” and “contrary to the findings of an earlier investigation.” Or, as Forrest Gump would say, “And just like that, The Lancet’s anti-vaxxing article disappeared.” But what about all those parents who were terrified...
In 1949, my parents moved from a small Georgia town to a tree lined street in what later became part of Atlanta. For a five year old boy, the new neighborhood was ideal. One side of the street consisted of forrest. Behind us was a lake and a creek where us boys fished, chased ducks, and caught snakes and frogs. We played with knives, bows and arrows, guns, homemade explosives, rode bikes without helmets and did pretty much whatever crazy stunt that a “double-dog-dare-you” could elicit. Beside the lake was a mud flat where we played semi-touch football. I say...
Pictured above is Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest, recognized by his contemporaries and historians as one of the most aggressive and brilliant military strategists on either side of the War Between the States. When hostilities started, he enlisted as a private and finished the war as a Lieutenant General after repeatedly leading his outnumbered and outgunned troops to one improbable victory after another. In reporting to Congress, Union General William T. Sherman offered this appraisal: “After all, I think Forrest was the most remarkable man our Civil War produced on either side…He had never read a military book in his...
Frank Speidel is a retired emergency room physician who hosts “The Doctor Is In”, a public access television show on the Main Line Network in suburban Philadelphia. Recently, I was a guest on his show. The topics were COVID-19 and the public health authorities’ response to it. I found Dr. Speidel’s opening remarks and questions to be insightful, provocative and well-informed. For my part, I repeated for his viewers some of the information and points that I have presented on this blog. Together we laid out enough non-politically correct COVID-19 heresy to get us arrested by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s...
Pictured above is Ghostbusters’ Dr. Peter Venkman who spoke for experts everywhere when he famously warned, “Back off, man. I’m a scientist.” I recently had an interesting conversation with a suburban Philadelphia emergency room physician regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. We discussed, among other things, the wide divergence between the theories and predictions of the public health experts and the reality that the physicians and nurses on the frontline are confronting. Remember how we had to shelter in place in order to “flatten the curve” of infections so that our medical facilities could somehow survive the predicted tsunami of COVID-19...
Pictured above is Pennsylvania’s Secretary of Health Rachel Levine and Governor Tom Wolf. When this duo extended the lockdown of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (where I reside) to June 4, 2020, I was prompted to write the below article which was published in yesterday’s The American Spectator. I felt that it was far past time to question the purported public health benefits of the ongoing, oppressive and destructive economic shutdowns that have been decreed by state governors across America. Here’s the article. Time to Stop the Madness | The American Spectator My maternal grandparents were Lebanese Christians who came to...
Yesterday The American Spectator published my article on censorship of unauthorized thought by YouTube. YouTube is a subsidiary of Google, one of the cyber companies that control what content we can access on line. Readers of this blog may recall My Excellent D.C. Adventure (posted on November 9, 2019) about my wife and I attending the annual TAS banquet in Washington. That article contained the following reference: There was a panel discussion featuring, among others, Harvard Senior Research Psychologist Robert Epstein, a Hillary Clinton supporter, who warned of the dangers of the surveillance state that has been created by Google...